Mustangs Tie Up Their Season at the OWHA Provincials, News, Novice B (8406), 2011-2012, Rep (Grand River Mustangs)

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This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 15, 2012 | RepPeeWee1 | 2034 views
Mustangs Tie Up Their Season at the OWHA Provincials
The Novice B group concluded the inaugural season of Novice rep hockey in Grand River at the Provincial Championships this weekend. Game one of pool play Friday pitted the Stangs against the champions of the Ottawa region - the Russell Castor River Coyotes. The home side scored first as Kendra Harkins smacked in a rebound from an Erin Pettifer shot, assist going to Syd Healey. The Coyotes answered and then went up by one during the second as the Mustangs seemed to lose their mojo for a 10 min stint. Lynsey Goodwin knotted the contest in the third from Sydney Healey and Carson Lean and that's how the contest ended - 2-2. 

Game two went Friday afternoon and this time it was a familiar foe in the Peterborough Ice Kats. The Kats came out determined to avenge their bronze medal defeat at the hands of the Mustangs just two weekends prior. Avenge it they did as the Mustangs could not match the energy of Peterborough and lost in a lack luster effort 3-2. Erin Pettifer scored in the second from Leah LeCourtois and Kendra Harkins along with Carson Lean in the third, with the goalie pulled, from Kate Mabey and Lynsey Goodwin. Lynsey Goodwin thought she had tied the match earlier in the third but the lady with the striped shirt disagreed and Peterborough had their revenge.
Saturday morning ended the tournament and the season for the Novice B group as they faced off against the Toronto Leaside Wildcats. It was an up and down match with few quality scoring chances until Leaside netted one late in the second. Sydney Healey matched that marker with one of her own from Lynsey Goodwin in the third and that sports fans was that, a 1-1 tie.
Overall it was a very successful season of Novice B hockey in Grand River. By the numbers the team earned:

- a 34-11-10 record
- Gold medal in the Peterborough Ice Kats tournament
- Gold medal in the Orangeville Tigers tournament
- West division Championship LLFHL
- Bronze medal at the LLFHL Championship weekend
- Birth to the OWHA Provincial Championships

More importantly than this each and every player improved, had personal success, developed her passion for playing our national past time and built long lasting friendship within the GRGHA. They accomplished a great deal and were outstanding ambassadors for our community and their families. Well done ladies, your coaches, families, and community are proud of you and we were honoured to work with you this past season. Have a great "off season" - that's all he wrote..........for now!
