Silver Medal Finish in Cambridge!, News, Peewee C, 2015-2016, Rep (Grand River Mustangs)

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Jan 28, 2016 | Steve Fogarty | 1016 views
Silver Medal Finish in Cambridge!
After finishing off the regular season, the Mustangs headed to Cambridge to take part in the 22nd Annual RoadRunner Tournament.

Game one saw the girls slated to play the host team Cambridge, a team they have failed to beat in four separate games this season. Undeterred the Mustangs came to play, and play they did. Hands down the best effort of the season as each and every player gave it their all for a full 32 minutes. When the smoke cleared the hard work paid off as the Mustangs won 1-0 and started of the tournament in the win column. Picking up the winning goal and earning the game MVP was the Mighty Lauren.

Game two brought on the Ottawa Ice. The Mustangs appeared to have one too many "pops" in between games, as a result the morning's great effort would not be duplicated in the afternoon. One player that did come to play was farm system product Halle Tovell, that was filling in at centre for the ghost line. Making the most of her last game with the big team, Hal left nothing in the dressing room and gave it all she had winning MVP honors. The Stangs dropped a 3-1 decision to Ottawa, setting up a must win game the next day.

With a spot in the finals on the line, the only team in the way was Woolwich. From the drop of the puck to the final whistle Grand River made it perfectly clear they were playing for gold. The Mustangs outworked the Wild from one end of the rink to the other, resulting in a 4-0 victory and a matchup against Ottawa for the gold. Duece picked up the MVP for her strong play on the blue line.

The Finals saw two familiar foes due battle for the championship. The Mustangs started slow but finished strong, unfortunately the Ottawa squad was too much this day and earned the gold medal. Texas Ranger did her part to keep it a game and was team MVP.

As much as it would have been nice to take the gold, the girls understood the value in silver. This team continues to grow stronger with each game and practice, preparing for playoff hockey. These girls are all about the team and each other, making it a pleasure to come to the rink. To watch the work they put in finally pay off was very rewarding as a coach to see and a sign of good things to come.

2016 Peewee C Silver Medalists

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