To all of our Mustang families, the Grand River Mustangs Board of Directors hope you are all healthy and weathering these challenging times as well as possible. The Board is still operating via email and Zoom calls and we encourage families to reach out if you need anything or have any questions. We know your players are missing their hockey friends and were sad to see the season end so abruptly. If we keep social distancing, it is to be hoped we will all be back at the rink in the fall. All we do know at this point is that hockey in 2020-21 will look very different than what we are used to.
As you all know, Hockey Canada cancelled the remainder of the 2019-20 season effective March 12 at midnight. There is currently no hockey activity of any type permitted by Hockey Canada until at least June 30. Tryouts are not permitted, teams cannot be created, Permission to Skate Forms cannot be issued. Tournaments cannot accept Registrations and MUST refund any fees that have been collected for 2020-21. Planning for our Remembrance Day Classic is on hold.
All decisions regarding the 2020-21 season will be made by Hockey Canada and OWHA, respecting all Provincial Health guidelines. OWHA is involved in several working groups and committees with the Province, Amateur Sport groups and Hockey Canada. We will need to respect both provincial and local health directives as well as Municipal plans for facility openings and use.
The number one consideration will be the health of players, coaches, officials and families. Social distancing is the new reality for all of us, and how that plays out for hockey is unknown as of now. At this point, the decisions seem to be among three options : modified season beginning September, modified season beginning January, or full season cancellation.
Our Mustangs AGM will be held within 90 days of the end of the Ontario Emergency Order OR will be held virtually at some point over the summer.
There is a new registration system going live in the next couple of weeks. We will keep you informed via this website and emails as we go forward.
Please take care, stay healthy, and keep socially distancing. Looking forward to seeing our players on the ice in the upcoming year. If you have questions or ideas regarding the upcoming season, please email
[email protected].