Organization | Mar 14, 2019 | Richard Beilhartz | 4928 views
Midget LL Medal Sweep in Oshawa!
The Mighty Mustangs sweep Gold and Silver in Oshawa
Midget #1 and Midget #2 recently participated in the Oshawa Lady Generals Winter Classic, competing against teams from: Peterborough, Northumberland, Gloucester, and Oshawa. Both Mustang teams were undefeated after 4 exciting and action packed games! In the end, it was the perfect Mustang vs. Mustang final!! After 3 periods of hockey, overtime, and a shootout., Mustang #2 prevailed to take Gold, while Mustang #1 brought home Silver!
Congratulations to both teams, your coaches and parents were very proud of you!