Cyber Bullying? Zero Tolerance!, News, Select (Grand River Mustangs)

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Organization | Sep 26, 2019 | Cindy MacCormack | 11461 views
Cyber Bullying? Zero Tolerance!
The OWHA and its member organizations, including Grand River Mustangs Girls Hockey Inc., have a zero tolerance policy toward cyber bullying and other forms of bullying. As the season begins, a reminder to all parents and volunteers that there are NO cell phones, or other devices with cameras, allowed in the dressing rooms at any time. Players are encouraged to leave their devices at home, or with a parent, when they arrive at the rink.

Any incidents of cyber bullying (as defined below) will be dealt with immediately, and can involve sanction of parents, coaches and parents by the Mustangs and/or the OWHA.

Let's all have a safe and happy season that keeps the focus on the ice! 

Cyber Bullying: Involves the use of information and communication technologies such as email, cell phones and text messaging, camera phones, instant messaging, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr, Myspace etc., defamatory personal websites (such as Network 54), or other forms of electronic information transfer to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others, threaten, harass, embarrass, socially exclude or damage reputations and friendships. Bullying is not… • Conflict between friends • An argument between people of equal power • Accidental • Normal relational development challenges • A “one-time” event (usually) • Friendly teasing that all parties are enjoying • Something people grow out of Bullying is… • Hurting behaviours based on oppression and “meanness” • Based on power differentials • Intentionally harmful • Intense and long in duration • Repeated over time (generally) • Oppressive – isolates victims • Caused by many factors and behavioural challenges  
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