Mission & Vision (Grand River Mustangs)

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We are the Grand River Mustangs Girls Hockey Association

We service Centre Wellington, Mapleton, Erin, East Garafraxa, Eramosa, Wellington North, East Luther, Minto Townships and surrounding areas.

Established in 2005, our focus is on providing players with hockey skills development opportunities while supporting an active lifestyle. Through the participation in our programs, in addition to technical game skills, players will develop important life skills which include an understanding of the value of community involvement. Players will engage in on and off ice activities that will foster lifelong friendships and a love of hockey. 

The Grand River Mustang difference is clear in the hockey community that we have built. Our Mustangs have the support of: 

- A supportive executive - balanced and committed to delivering services to all levels of the organization
- A high expectation of fair play and sportsmanship, both on and off the ice, ensuring that Respect In Sport principles are followed
- A dedicated coaching staff, who have a passion for sharing  their knowledge and who are supported to achieve success both on and off the ice
- An exceptional Development Program that provides opportunities for all skaters and goalies to hone their craft to ensure that they have the support they need to reach their personal goals
- A strong focus on female mentorship, not only through our development partnerships, but through our "One Team" mentality that encourages mentorship and collaboration across all age groups (Our "Bigs" and "Littles") 

Providing both Local League and Representative team options, the Grand River Mustangs offer A Place To Play At Home for all skill levels! Tryouts for Rep teams (U9-U18) occur each spring. Local League registration opens after tryouts with ranking days occurring in Early September.

We welcome you to join us! We are not only building great hockey players but great people!!