Jan 31, 2012 | RepPeeWee | 827 views
Coach's Corner: Orangeville Tournament
Well well well a week end to be proud of girls ! Sorry I had to run to Shannons game and didn't have the chance to talk to you after our game. I am very proud of the teams effort and heart this week end ! I hope no one is down. Remember we got a Silver Medal which goes on our team chain. Remember we only lost 1 out of 4 games.Excelent accomplishment Great tune up for play downs and playoffs. You will hear from us within the next few days with our schedule. We have a lot of hockey coming at us. Get ready to play a lot of games in a short time. I can't wait How about you??? Are you ready??? Your coaches are and we believe in you. You girls Rock!!! Go Mustangs Go!! Great week end!! We all had a lot of fun. Yours in Hockey Coach Henry