Mar 04, 2013 | dyoung | 1368 views
Semi Finals Here we come!
The absolute most fun game of the year to watch. Up once again against our sister's always a nail biter and running joke between parents who is going to win. We took the first game and they took the second, so it all came down to the third. Bella started off the scoring with a nice pass from Aly. Next goal came from Aly. Goal number 3 was shot in by Meg, asissted from Erin. Last but not least our final goal from Rachel Smith. That ending the game with a score of 4-0. Nice shutout Cobi:)!
Terrific game girls. Best part of the game was to hear ALL the parents from both teams cheering when the ENTIRE Mustang 1 team was on the ice before the game ended.
Look on the Refs faces......PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!