Dec 18, 2012 | dwoods | 655 views
Coach's Corner
The Dream is Alive !!! Four wins in a row , one tie one loss in last 7
games. You are coming together as a team. Doing what we ask ! Doing what
we practice ! Excellent line changes ! Discipline but aggressive play !
Playing with confidence. Good puck carrying and consistent shots on
net. Power play goals!!
We are doing what we all knew you are capable of. And you can feel the excitement now in the room and on the bench.Congradulations to T.J. last nights player of the game. Solid goal tending game in and game out is giving us the chance to win every game. So time to recognize both our goalies with the players of the month. Way to go T.J. And Josie you girls are awesome!!!!! Special mention to Kara for a great game last night !!! Good job !! I like when its hard to pick the player of the game it means you are all contributing. Our cheer. Dig Hard. Dig Deep. Never meant more than right now. With Mount forrest ,Walkerton and Waterloo up next We will have to be bringing our A game and show them all who we really are and what we are capable of. What better Christmas present to go out and win the next 3 games And beat Mount Forrest in their own rink. You Can Do It. Keep the Dream Alive !! Keep on Believing!! See you Mon night. With these very important games coming up and this very crucial time in the schedule. I want everyone's commitment and effort to make the practices and games. Time to buckle down get serious and ready for playoffs and play downs. They are coming quick. We r getting to crunch time. We defiantly have the competitions attention.
Keep it going girls Good Job !!
Yours in Hockey
Coach Henry