Jan 07, 2013 | dwoods | 819 views
Coach's Corner
Good week end girls. FOUR important points ! We are coming together nicely but we are still just squeaking through each game. We know you have more. Congratulations to Erica for Sat. Player of the Game. Great goal and Great wheels ! And the will to never give up. Special mention to Sara for some nice hands and puck carry with confidence. Let's see more of that for you and from everyone ! And Kayla for hard work and not giving up for the game winning goal. And the toughness to hang in there injury and all.
Congratulations to Cass for Sun. Player of the game good hard work and nice hard shot from the point resulting in a goal Special mention to Kaylee with a goal and two assists. And Mackenzie for showing the patience we v been preaching and not playing hot potato with the puck. Good control and no panic to dump the puck off.
Everyone should have a few aches after a work out with trainer Troy. Like he said if you want to better yourself and take your game to the next level you have to work hard on and off the ice. Your lack of exercise over the holidays showed. There is no time off for a athlete Practice and hockey loft Wed. We should be tuned up for a successful week end in Orillia. ( FYI we will be making dinner reservations for the team Fri evening. We will advise where and when) Which will have us tuned up to play our last two regular season games VS Mount Forrest and Twin Centre ( We will have a run at Twin Centre in the tournament).
Can't wait until the week end.
Let's go get GOLD Mustangs!!!
Yours in Hockey
Coach Henry