Apr 08, 2013 | dwoods | 1337 views
Coach's Corner
Hey team this will be my last coaches corner. What a great season ! What a great week end ! Even though we didn't make it through we are all so proud of your heart effort and desire. And as always our never give up attitude. Any of the games could have went our way. So be proud of how you played. We didn't make it easy for anyone. They all had to work for the win's. Twin Center got gold and Belmont silver. So think about that. It easily could have been us.
But it was not meant to be for us. But at least we where there and able to play more meaningful hockey. As well we had a great time away from the rink as well. It has been my honor to be your coach this season. We came a long way developed hockey skills and life skills. We made new friend and grew existing friendships. We learnt more so this season than others that hockey is not just a sport it is a passion and a way of life. And team is family.
I shared my personal hockey story with the team staff and want to share it with all of you. As hockey families you will appreciate it. From my story you will see what I'v said is so true. And that life is special and strange things happen for a reason. This is my hockey story from Sun. Parents enjoy your time with your children because it goes by so quick. As bitter sweet that it was the Mustang loss allowed me the opportunity to head back home to our final GGHA game with our daughter Shannon. We packed up and left Ottawa first stop was UofG arena. With ten min. To spare before puck drop for our grandsons championship game ( coached by our son in law) they were Victorious.
We then booked it to my moms to change our clothes and get to exhibition arena for Shannons last game as she ages out this season. Shannon scores the first goal. They come back and tie the game. We head into 5min OT. Still tied. Off to a shoot out. Three shooters go , no goals. Shannons up as the 4th shooter. She Burris it with all she's got!!!!!!! The Driller's win 2-0 both goals from Shannon. Then after the game GGHA honors me for my 14yrs of service with a coach Henry (Hanlon Well Drilling Jersey) Presented by Shannon ( Yes holding back some tears). Not only a story book finish. But ironically enough we finished what we start when she was 6yrs old on the same ice pad that she started. I coached her in H/L and select every season start to finish. I couldn't have ask for more.
Hockey is Life ! Life is Hockey !
Thanks everyone!!! Its been a blast!!!! Have a great summer and cherish all your hockey moments. Good Luck next season!!!!!! We will be in touch when the weather is warmer for details for our season end party(BBQ at the Hanlon's).
Yours In Hockey Coach Henry